Riot Glass Dallas | ArmorPlast Security Panels

Today’s buildings have a very weak point – their glass windows and doors. ArmorPlast security panels are designed to withstand attacks from determined thieves using sophisticated tools, so you can feel confident that your business will be protected against all comers!

The threat today is greater than it has ever been.  Crime is running rampant; police forces are being defunded and governments everywhere are failing to protect their citizens. Businesses, offices and government buildings are increasingly coming under attack. While burglaries, break-in’s and “Smash and Grab” crimes are “traditional” threats for businesses, they are becoming more widespread and intense. In addition, owners and managers now have to concern themselves with a high probability of looting, riots and civil unrest.

Traditional glass security products like security window films might not be enough to protect your business from being damaged and looted. This is where Riot Glass can help. Their ArmorPlast security panels provide a higher level of protection against intruders, active shooters and forced entry attempts than even the thickest security window films.

About Riot Glass / ArmorPlast

  • Riot Glass provides maximum protection against forced entry, break-ins and burglaries
  • Riot Glass panels are stronger and tougher than glass
  • Riot Glass provides around the clock passive protection for your glass doors and windows.
  • Riot Glass is effective as soon as it is installed.
  • Better looking and cheaper than unsightly bars, grills and grates
  • Riot Glass Panels are custom-made to fit your windows and doors, so they blend into your storefront

Why you should choose Riot Glass

Constructed of clear polycarbonate, these nearly indestructible panels are quick to install, effective immediately and can delay entry for up to 60 minutes.

Recommended for doors and windows with a high likelihood of attack or where a high level of security is needed.

Ideally suited to prevent:

  • Forced Entry
  • Active Shooters
  • Burglaries
  • Break-ins
  • Damage from riots and civil unrest

Reasons to consider ArmorPlast Security Panels

  • Invisible – Blends seamlessly into your existing window framing
  • Nearly indestructible
  • Immediate Protection – No curing or “time to dry out”.
  • Effective – Delays entry up to 60 minutes
  • Does not require removal of existing glass
  • Effective against active shooters, smash-n-grab and civil unrest
  • Installation by trained certified installers
  • Available in bullet resistant versions

You can learn more about how ArmorPlast can help you protect and secure your business, store or office contact us

Check out our ArmorPlast Video here –  Riot Glass Demo Video